Thursday, September 30, 2010

Finally I comb my hair after so long!!!HAHA!!!

Myanmarese visitation

Sms-ing girlfriend?


Isaac preaching!!!

Where are we going for dinner ?

Want go eat domino's?
Went for visitation last night with Isaac, Stephen and Tang. We had a short worship and prayer session at the start and then finally Isaac with a short sermon. I can really see Isaac becoming a future pastor as he has the heart and knowledge to succeed. GANBATE ISAAC!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Finally I got my hands on an Ipod Touch!!!

My new Ipod Touch 8GB

My ipod touch and it's gadgets

Finally after so long I got my hands on my 1st ever Apple product and it's a Ipod Touch 8GB. Thanks mummy for buying me this. I'm still trying to figure out how to really use it though...LOL!!!But to be honest it's kinda a cool gadget.

The usual things I do when I'm home!!!

Me chilling and posing in my room and enjoying my usual game of football manager. Maybe when Sir Alex Ferguson does retire from his post as Man.U manager they might actually hire me base on my experience on playing football manager...haha...It's just a dream but it could happen...LOL

My baby

My beautiful baby wearing the T-Shirt I bought for her in Nepal. Love you and miss you lots lots lou po...mmuax

Teaching the kids!!!

This are just some of the kids in our GLUE school. I was teaching them English... LOL

Friday, September 24, 2010



Nothing much to talk about. Just the normal stuff during a vietnamese service.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FOOD : )

My baby made this for her lunch. I can't wait to get back to KL and try it out. LOL

Saturday, September 11, 2010

2nd day at camp

Teacher Isaac

really enjoying his music
our drummer
this is what happens when you are to hungry and impatient to eat...LOL
Nothing much to say. Just see the pics and watch the videos. ^^