Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Short term holiday with mum,sis and my baby...

Had a great time during my off day last week. Mum,sis and my baby came up to Ipoh to look for me. We ended up going to Penang for a short holiday trip. Went into Penang using the ferry, and guess what it was my baby's first time on the ferry and to add to it, it was our first time together as well. HAHA!!! Went into Batu Feringhi beach to just walk around and we dropped by Hard Rock Hotel to have a look. It look real nice but it cost to much to spend a night and I don't think it's worth the money, but I don't mind spending my honeymoon with my baby there. HAHA!!! When it was time for my family and baby to go home it was real hard for me to say goodbye. Thanks mum for bringing my baby up so that I can spend a great time with her. LOVE YOU LOTS LOTS LOU PO. MMUAX!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tear cant stop after read all u write..it make me miss u more n more le...wat should i do le...I really happy to c u n be wit u there for whole day..wish u everything goes well there...but y put tat pic?take wit me at last minutes,i look so fat o...>,<
    we take others next time k?
