Friday, November 19, 2010

Staff dinner, May and Neil's farewell dinner and Uncle Joe's birthday dinner


Voon Li shooing me out of her kitchen

Still trying to get the fire started. LOL

Isaac posing

Still posing. LOL

Uncle Joe's guitar collection

Another 1 of his collection

His baby

Isaac smsing his GF?

Time to feast :p

Isaac posing yet again : )

Super nice soup made by Voon Li's mum

Future husband and wife

Isaac tempting me with the chicken drumstick

Voon Li and her husband Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe the birthday boy enjoying his meal

Tea time

Vietnamese and Chinese tea

Me still eating : )
Yesterday we had dinner at Voon Li's house. As the dinner was about to begin, Voon Li told us it was actually her husband's birthday as well. So last night the dinner was like a 3 in 1 thingy. It was a dinner for us YWAM Ipoh staffs, a farewell for May and Neil, and as well as a birthday dinner for Uncle Joe.

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