Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Has Your Passion Cooled?

Charles Stanley
What was the greatest moment of your life? For some people, the answer might be their wedding day, the birth of a child, or an important promotion. But for believers, the best experience is salvation, when their eternal destiny was changed.
New Christians often have a fervor to share their faith. In time, however, many find their hearts cooling as they focus less on their relationship with Jesus Christ.Hebrews 2:1 tells us to “pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”
Salvation is God’s amazing solution to man’s sinful condition: it is His gift of rescue — through the death of Jesus — from the penalty for our transgressions. Before Christ entered our life, we were all sinners existing, as Paul says, “in the lusts of our flesh” (Ephesians 2:3). No matter how good our behavior may have seemed, we were spiritually dead and separated from God. Receiving Christ’s forgiveness breathed life back into our spirits so that we could go before the Father’s throne.
We must not forget what Jesus did for us.
We have the balm to soothe the hurting hearts we come in contact with every day. But if excuses crowd our minds before passion fills our hearts, people will never hear. Thankfully, we can rediscover the passion of our early Christian days. Take time today to praise God for His salvation, which delivered you from a path toward disaster. Then commit to carrying out your part in the Great Commission by talking about Jesus with someone in your life (Matthew 28:19).

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