Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feeling Stagnant? Are You Running the Race?

Jack Graham
In [Hebrews 12:1–2], the author of Hebrews compares living the spiritual live to running a race. Now imagine running a race with barbells on your shoulders or wearing scuba diving equipment. While that sounds ridiculous, it’s essentially what many Christians try to do when they hold onto sin in their lives!
Now the Scripture tells us in Romans 14:23 that “whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.” That means that when you’re not accomplishing what God wants you to do by faith, you are living in sin!
So often, people come up and tell me, “Pastor, I just feel stagnant in my walk with Christ and I don’t know why.” But do you know what their problem usually is? They aren’t living by faith. Sure, they’re moral people and live good lives, but they’ve never really stepped out and completely trusted God. Their “walk” is just that, a walk and not a race!
Now in your race, you may be avoiding the sins of commission like drunkenness and lust. But are you unknowingly committing sins of omission like not serving others or failing to step out in faith?
My prayer is that you learn to trust in God with everything: your relationships, your finances, and even your own life. When you begin to do that, your spiritual race will be taken to whole new levels, and you will finish well!

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