Sunday, February 6, 2011

We All Have a Calling?

Jack Graham
Do you realize that God has a special calling on your life? He does!
You may not have sensed God leading you to become a missionary or a preacher, but you still have a calling! And it is a mission that you must not shirk.
No less than five times in the Scripture, Jesus called his followers to "go" into the world and to be witnesses for him. And that's exactly what he is saying to you today. He's calling you to be his witness. And you can begin right where you are!
There can be no doubt… you are called. Have you listened for his voice? Have you heeded that call and followed his will obediently? It is so important that you do.
You see, God has placed specific people in your path who need to hear what he has done for you. They need to hear about the blessings and peace of God. They need to know that God loves them and that he has a future of hope for them.
So be bold in Christ Jesus! Pray for those who have needs in their lives. Be a witness of his saving grace. This is your calling, the work of the ministry that God has entrusted to you.

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