Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recharging Our Batteries Each Day?

Matthew 4:4 "But He answered and said, "It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
Have you really heard what Jesus said? He reminds us; don't just do the physical regimens of getting "bread" or physical preparation for life. He says there is an entire spiritual regimen that must not be neglected. We need to renew our souls as well as our bodies; we need to plug in and recharge our spiritual batteries for living another day.
Have you ever had your cell phone or laptop run out of battery? Or, how about your digital camera, just when you wanted to use it? Doesn't that feel terrible? We know we should have plugged it in but we forgot. That is also how our spiritual batteries are. Many missed opportunities to serve the Lord come from not recharging our lives in the Word.
The best life possible to be lived on earth starts and continues through Christ's commanded daily connection with God's Word. Unless our lives are recharged, our minds are renewed, and our souls are fed—we will at some point during each day cease to work correctly, like a dead cell phone or powerless laptop.
The One who wants to call us, and use us is God. It is our Lord that is faced with an "out of power" or "unusable" signal from us. We need to seriously consider whether we are obeying Christ's command in Matthew 4:4, lest we miss all the benefits of His Word in our lives each day.

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