Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Revolutionary Idea of Praying to the "Father"?

When Jesus told his disciples to pray to their Father in heaven, it was a revolutionary idea to them as Jewish men.
Because up until then, the disciples knew God by other names like Adoni and Jehovah. And they knew God as Yahweh, which was his personal, covenant, and most holy name.
But now Jesus was saying to these men, "When you pray to this almighty God, start by saying, ‘Our Father in heaven.'" Jesus wanted them to grasp the intimate relationship they could have with God… a relationship much like an earthly father has with his children.
Jesus could have taught us to pray, "Our Creator who art in heaven" as God is our creator. But no, Jesus said, "The secret to connecting with God starts by talking to God your Father"!
As God's child, you can be sure that he is listening for you to call his name in prayer. He is your Father who lives in heaven, you are his child, and he loves you.

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