Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beautiful Easter Message

Dear friends,
About two weeks ago, we experienced a very severe storm here. The wind
was very strong and rain was just pouring down. When it was over,
about two hundred of our plants and trees were uprooted. It was a sad
scene as we see our precious trees planted with labour of love fell
flat. We discovered that they did not have deep roots to hold them in
times of storm. Fortunately, we were able to save these trees by
putting more earth around them.

However, our one and only beloved rambutan tree, blooming and fruiting
abundantly, did not survive. We were all counting the number of fruits
and looking forward to tasting the first fruits which never happen.

What is the moral of the story?
Deep roots are needed in our life to withstand the storm of
life....deep roots of knowing God's Word and trusting in His promises.
Should we fall, we need others to prop us up and help us grow deeper.
No matter how much success and blessing we have, without a strong deep
root in Christ, we will ultimately fall from grace and end up
nothing...just like my rambutan tree!

What do we think about Easter? It is not a day of gloom and
hopelessness after a storm. It is a day of hope and bright future
because Jesus Christ has triumphed over death and Satan, by His death
and resurrection. Build your life deep in Him. Bear fruits of
righteousness that come by Jesus Christ that will last for eternity,
not temporal success and prosperity that will be burned one day!

Happy and joyous Easter!

John Lee, Director,
Capernwray Malaysia,

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