Friday, April 15, 2011

Is this a JOKE?

Manchester City can match the achievements of Manchester United, insists manager Roberto Mancini.

The fact United stand in their way for an FA Cup final appearance merely works as a useful tool for Mancini to point out his overall aims for the Eastlands outfit.

"I have respect for Manchester United because they have won everything for many years," said the Italian.

"To begin with, they won a single trophy after a long time with nothing. Now we are in the same position.

"We can go on to do what United have done. We have a chance on Saturday and for this we should be happy."

Sir Alex Ferguson has never spoken about whether his long hunt for trophies and titles would be tolerated in the modern game. Mancini is certain it would not.

"It took Ferguson seven years to win the league," he observed.

"Today is very different from 25 years ago. Today if you are a manager who wins nothing for six or seven years, it is difficult.

"After 15 months I am very happy in my job because I know how difficult it is to build a team to win trophies."

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