Friday, April 15, 2011

Question of the day!!!

Peace in the Passion Week?
Charles Stanley
The tumultuous times in which we live challenge our sense of security and well-being. In a world filled with violence, injustice, financial instability, and natural disasters, how can we live in undisturbed safety? Jesus' words to His disciples seem contradictory—peace and tribulation just don't go together.

This makes no sense unless we realize that Christ's peace is not the same as the world's (John 14:27). The average person thinks tranquility will come with an outward change in their circumstances: When I have a better job or more money, then I will be content. Or, If a particular person in my life changes, then I will feel at ease. But Christ offers a relationship with the Father that fills our hearts with satisfied contentment, no matter what the external conditions may be.

We need to understand that Christ's offer of peace came, not when everything was going well, but just hours before His disciples' world fell apart. All their hopes and dreams were dashed when the Messiah hung on the cross. Although they didn't realize it, Jesus offered them exactly what they would need to cope with the trouble that lay ahead. In the same way, He gives us quiet confidence which anchors our souls in stressful times.

We can never arrange all circumstances so that we feel safe and secure. The way to overcome the world isn't by removing difficulties from one's life. Instead, victory comes from walking through troubles with quiet confidence in God's sovereignty and divine purpose for everything He allows.

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